Why Developers Avoid Relying on ChatGPT for Code

Many companies and industries do not rely on AI tools like ChatGPT for code generation because they face potential issues with maintainability, security, and quality.Generating code with AI is indeed very fast and efficient, but it often lacks creativity and can introduce security problems. Hackers might exploit AI-generated code to create duplicate files with malicious code. If such security issues arise, detecting and fixing them can be very challenging.That’s why large industries and high-stakes fields prefer human-written code to ensure better customization and control, and to give the code a unique touch. In today’s blog, we will discuss in detail why companies are hesitant to rely on AI code generation and why they still favor human-written code.

Understanding Chat GPT in Code Generation


ChatGPT is an AI model developed by OpenAI that boasts impressive capabilities in code generation. It can quickly generate functional code, automate tasks, and solve problems by learning from its extensive database of existing code. In short, it speeds up the process of coding by handling these tasks efficiently.

Lack of Originality and Innovation

AI-generated code often lacks the originality and creativity that human developers provide. While AI can generate functional code, these solutions are generally generic and lack much innovation. For industries that depend on high developing technology and unique solutions, this lack of originality can be a big loss.

Quality and Maintainability Issues

Code generated by AI does not always meet the highest standards of quality. Developers often find it difficult to maintain and debug AI-generated code, especially if the code is not clear or deviates from best practices. These can cause long-term issues and higher maintenance costs.

Security Issues

AI tools  are trained on large amounts of text data, which increases the risk of sensitive data leaks. If everyone is searching for and using the same code generated by AI, it creates a significant security risk. For example, if everyone uses the same code to solve a problem, hackers can more easily find security flaws in that common solution.

If there are security flaws in the AI-generated code, they could be present in all instances of that code, giving hackers a common entry point, such as in OS command injection attacks. If you still want to use AI-generated code, make sure to implement encryption and secure access controls. AI tools should never be seen as a complete solution for coding; they are primarily meant for guidance, not for coding itself.

Intellectual Property and Compliance Issues

When people use AI tools for coding a client’s project, they may face compliance-related issues. Data privacy is currently a hot topic, and new privacy laws are being created that need to be carefully considered. Industries that are not up-to-date with these regulations may face risks. These laws are designed to protect consumer data, and if there is a data breach, it must be decided who is responsible, and they might have to pay fines.

Industries with strict compliance requirements prefer human-written code to avoid potential legal complications.

New Developers and Over-Reliance on AI

New developers who rely too much on AI tools like ChatGPT might miss out on important learning and basic skills. When developers depend heavily on AI for generating code, they might not fully understand the core principles and details of programming. This lack of deep understanding can make it harder for them to solve problems effectively and handle complex coding tasks. As a result, companies often prefer candidates who have strong foundational coding skills and can think critically about their work, rather than those who rely only on AI.

Customization and Control

Human developers can generate code that is specifically tailored to the project’s unique requirements by thoroughly understanding the user’s needs. This level of customization is often not achievable with AI-generated code, which tends to be more generic and may not fully meet specific requirements. Additionally, AI tools cannot fully comprehend the entire system due to potential security issues, making it difficult to ensure that all aspects are addressed effectively.

Deep understanding

When a developer writes his code, he gets a complete understanding of the logic and structure of the project. They know exactly where each piece of code fits and focus on the uniqueness and perfection of their work. This deeper understanding enhances their problem-solving skills and allows them to make informed decisions about optimization and improvement. Well-structured and commented code makes it easy for other developers to understand and make changes when needed. Good documentation and clear, unique, and well-structured code provide significant learning opportunities for developers.

Striking a Balance: When to Use AI and When to Code Manually

AI tools like ChatGPT provide valuable assistance but should complement, not replace, human developers. While AI can automate repetitive tasks, generate boilerplate code, and offer coding suggestions, critical and innovative aspects of a project still benefit from human input.


Yes, it’s true that in 2024, advancements in AI have made many tasks easier and will continue to improve AI’s role in coding. With passage of time, as technology advances, attackers will also find new ways to exploit any weaknesses. Even minor errors can lead to significant issues. Many companies and industries still do not fully rely on AI code generation due to concerns about quality and customization. Human-written code remains crucial for ensuring originality, control, and better solutions. While AI tools provide valuable guidance and advice, it’s essential to use them effectively and remain vigilant against potential threats to ensure security and maintain high standards in development.

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