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Project Overview:

Naringi is an innovative and comprehensive skillful connection app that goes beyond traditional
worker services. It serves as a versatile platform connecting users not only with skilled workers
but also with tutors, babysitters, and other specialized service providers. Naringi caters to a wide
range of user needs, making it the go-to app for finding trusted professionals to fulfill various
requirements. The app introduces a unique feature where users can sign up as workers, while a
dedicated manager oversees the platform, ensuring reliability, safety, and exceptional service

Key Features:

Diverse Services

Naringi offers an extensive array of services, ranging from skilled workers for home
repairs and craftsmanship to tutors for various subjects and babysitters for childcare
needs. Users can find the right professionals for their specific requirements, all in one

Seamless Worker Sign Up

The app allows individuals with specialized skills and expertise to sign up as workers.
Prospective workers can showcase their talents, qualifications, and past experiences,
making it easier for users to find the perfect match for their needs.

Real-Time Communication

The app features an integrated chat system that facilitates seamless communication
between users and service providers. This real-time interaction allows users to discuss
project details, ask questions, and stay updated throughout the service process.

Flexible Payment Options

Naringi offers users a range of payment methods, ensuring secure in-app transactions
and flexibility in making payments according to their preferences.

Dedicated Manager Oversight

Naringi introduces a unique concept of a dedicated manager overseeing the platform.
This manager ensures the credibility and quality of services by thoroughly vetting
workers, monitoring their performance, and addressing user feedback promptly.

Customized Service Requests

Users can submit personalized service requests with specific requirements, budgets, or
project details. Workers can respond with tailored proposals, enhancing the level of
customization and satisfaction.

Educational and Childcare Solutions

Beyond traditional worker services, Naringi provides a comprehensive platform for
educational support and childcare. Users can connect with tutors to enhance their
knowledge or find reliable babysitters for professional childcare services.

Trusted and Verified Professionals

Naringi takes user safety and trust seriously. All workers and service providers undergo
a rigorous verification process, including background checks and skill assessments, to
ensure users connect with reliable and trustworthy professionals.

Task Scheduling and Reminders

Naringi enables users to schedule tasks and set reminders to stay organized and ensure
timely completion of projects. The app sends timely notifications to both users and
workers to avoid any delays.


Naringi stands out as an all-encompassing skillful connection app, providing a diverse range of
services and professionals at users’ fingertips. With its versatile offerings, seamless worker
sign-up, dedicated manager oversight, and commitment to user safety and trust, Naringi sets a
new standard in the service industry. The app’s comprehensive educational and childcare
solutions further solidify its position as the ultimate platform for skillful connections. Embrace the
power of multipurpose services with Naringi—an app designed to redefine your experience with
finding skilled professionals and enrich your life with exceptional services.